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Here are the Lyrics and translations of the pieces for in foreign languages for which you may find samples on the appropriately-titled page.



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A la ru


A la ru, a la mé.

Oh duérmete Niño lindo

en los brazos del amor,

mientras que duerme y descansa

la pena de mi dolor.

A la ru, a la me.


O sleep dear Holy Baby

with your head upon my breast,

as meanwhile the pangs of my sorrow

are soothed and put t o rest.

A la ru, a la me.


You need not fear King Herod,

he will bring no harm to you.

So rest in the arms of your mother

who sigs you “A la ru.”

A la ru, a la me.



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Hacia Belén se encaminan

María con su amante esposo,

Llevando en su compañía

a todo un Dios poderoso.

Alegría, alegría y placer;

que la Virgen va de paso

con su esposo a Belén.


Los pajarillos del bosque

al ver pasar a los esposos

les cantaban melodías

con sus trinos armoniozos.

Alegría, alegría y placer;

que la Virgen va de paso

con su esposo a Belén.


En cuanto a Belén llegaron,

posada al mundo pidieron.

Nadie les quizo hospedar

porque tan pobres les vieron.

Alegría, alegría y placer;

que la Virgen ha llegado

con su esposo a Belén.


Esta noche nace un Niño

Entre la escarcha y el hielo

Quién pudiera Niño mío

Vestirte de terciopelo.

Alegría, alegría y placer;

Esta noche nace un Niño

En el portal de Belén. 




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Alleluia! Cantate Domino canticum novum.


Alleluia! Cantate Domino canticum novum.

Alleluia! Jubilate Deo omnis terra.

Alleluia! Servite Domino in laetitia, Alleluia.

Alleluia! Cantate et exultate, et psallite.

Alleluia! Exaltate regem regnum.

et hymnum dicite Deo, Alleluia.





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Esta noche es Noche Buena

vamos al monte hermanito

a cortar un arbolito

porque la noche es serena.


Los Reyes y los pastores

andan buscando una estrella

Le cantan a Jesús Niño,

hijo de la Virgen bella.


Arbolito, arbolito

campanitas te pondré.

Quiero que seas bonito,

que al Recién Nacido te voy a ofrecer.


Iremos por el camino,

caminito de Belén.

Iremos porque esta noche

ha nacido el Niño Rey.

Arbolito, arbolito...




❅   ❅   ❅   ❅   ❅


¡Ay, ay ay!


Asómate a la ventana, 

paloma del alma mía,

que ya la aurora temprana, 

nos viene anunciando el día.


Si alguna vez en tu pecho, 

mi cariño no lo abrigas,

engáñalo como a un niño, 

pero nunca se lo digas.


🔔    🔔    🔔    🔔    🔔


Campana Sobre Campana


Campana sobre campana, 

Campana sobre campana, 

Asómate a la ventana 

Verás un Niño en la cuna. 

Belén, campanas de Belén, 

Que los ángeles tocan 

¿Qué nuevas me traéis? 



¿Recogido tu rebaño, 

A dónde vas pastorcito? 

Voy a llevar al portal 

Requesón, manteca y vino 

Belén, campanas de Belén, 

Que los ángeles tocan 

¿Qué nuevas me traéis? 


Si aún las estrellas alumbran,

¿Pastor, dónde quieres ir?    

Voy al portal por si el Niño    

Con El me deja dormir. 

Belén, campanas de Belén, 

Que los ángeles tocan 

¿Qué nuevas me traéis? 






☆  ☾      ☽   ☆


En el portal de Belén


Ha nacido en un portal

Llenito de telarañas,

Entre la mula y el buey,

El Redentor de las almas.

Este es un lerum, la maruxina,

Este es un lerum en el portal;

Vaya prosigo este cantar,

Vaya prosigo este cantar.

Lerum, lirum, lerum, la!


He was born in a manger,

With cobwebs all around Him,

By the donkey and the oxen,

The Redeemer of our souls.

Let us sing lerum, let's all sing lirum,

Let us sing lerum for Christ, the Child;

Sing for the Baby, let us all sing,

Sing for the Ba-by, the Holy Child.

Lerum, lirum, lerum, la!


Lerum, lerum, lirum, lirum

Lerum, lirum, lerum, la!


En el portal de Belén

Hay estrella, sol y luna,

La Virgen y San José

Y el Niño que está en la cuna.

Este es un lerum, la maruxina,

Este es un lerum en el portal;

Vaya prosigo este cantar,

Vaya prosigo este cantar.

Lerum, lirum, lerum, la!


There in Bethlehem's poor stable

There's a star, the sun and moon,

It's the Virgin and Saint Joseph

And the Child who's in the manger.

Let us sing lerum, let's all sing lirum,

Let us sing le-rum for Christ, the Child;

Sing for the Baby, let us all sing,

Sing for the Baby, the Holy Child.

Lerum, lirum, lerum, la!

Lerum, lirum, lerum, la!




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Nadie comprende lo que sufro yo,

canto, pues ya no puedo sollozar,

Solo, temblando de ansiedad estoy,

todos me miran y se van.



si puedes tú con Dios hablar,

pregúntale si yo alguna vez

te he dejado de adorar.


Y el mar,

espejo de mi corazón,

las veces que me ha visto llorar

la perfidia de tu amor.


Te he buscado por doquira que yo voy

y no te puedo hallar.

¿Para qué quiero otros besos

si tus labios no me quieren ya besar?


Y tú.

¿Quién sabe por donde andarás?

¿Quién sabe que aventura tendrás?

¡Qué lejos estás de mí! 




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Psallite unigenito

Christo Dei filio,

Redemptori Dominus puerulo,

jacenti in praesaepio.


Ein feines Kindelein

ligt in dem Krippelein,

Alle lieben Engelein

dienem dem Kindelein,

und singen ihm sein.


Singt und Klingt

Jesu Gottes Kind

und Marien Söhnelein,

unserm lieben Jesulein im Krippelein

beim Öchslein und beim Eselein. 





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Puer natus in Bethlehem


Puer natus in Bethlehem,

unde gaudet Jerusalem

Alleluia, Alleluia.

Ein Kind geborn in Bethlehem

des freuet sich Jerusalem,

Alleluia, Alleluia.


Hic iacet in praesepio

qui regnat sine termino,

Alleluia, Alleluia.

Hier liegt in dem Krippelein

ohn Ende ist die Herrschaft sein,

Alleluia, Alleluia.

Puer natus in Bethlehem,

unde gaudet Jerusalem

Alleluia, Alleluia. 




♥️  ♥️  ♥️  ♥️  ♥️ 


Quiéreme Mucho


Quiéreme mucho dulce amor mio

que amante siempre te adoraré.

Yo, con tus besos, con tus caricias

mis sufrimientos acallaré.


Cuando se quiere de veras

como te quiero yo a ti

es imposible, mi cielo,

tan separados vivir.




💜    💜    💜


The Solstice Heart

(Lyrics by James E. Horan)


Deep within the winter woods

before the break of morn',

a plaintive lark lies silently,

unsure if day will dawn.


A child who tries to walk alone

must yield to destiny.

An eagle longs to spread its wings,

to soar to the horizon fin'lly free.

(yearning for the day to be set free.)


In the solstice momment

winter hold its breath for spring.

Buried 'neath the snows a trusting rose

believes in what tomorrrow brings.


As I lie awake at night

wondering when love will start

Like the eagle, lark and child,

a pris'ner of the solstice heart.


Will the eagle never take flight?

The lark lay silent still?

Will the winter woods be filled with light?

Or hope invade the solstice heart?


I know surely, the sun will rise,

the moon and stars will always choose to shine.

As winter waits for spring,

I wait for the hunter of my captive heart.


Spring bursts forth its streaming light,

the lark breaks forth in glorious song.

Bravely the child and theeagle take flight

Just beyond the shining light of dawn

I know I'll meet my weary hunter,

sent to free my solstice heart with boundless love.





✨     ✨


Tres Estrellitas


Tra la la lai la, tra la la lai la… 


Ahi vienen bajando  

tres estrellitas del cielo 

que van anunciando  

al Niño que ya nació. 

Se acercan cantando 

hacia’l humilde pesebre. 

Lo admiran, lo adoran 

y le ofrecen protección. 


Ya todos habían llegado 

a ver al Recien Nacido, 

y los Santos Reyes Magos 

bendicen al Redentor. 

Ya todos habían llegado 

a ver al Recien Nacido, 

y los Santos Reyes Magos 

bendicen al Niño Dios. 


Ahi vienen bajando  

tres estrellitas del cielo 

Ya vienen cantando 

a ver al Niño Jesus. 


Tra la la lai la, tra lai la...

van entonando los Santos Reyes. 

Tra la la lai la, tra lai la...

para anunciar que el Niño nació. 


Ahi vienen bajando 

tres estrellitas del cielo. 

Tra la la lai la, tra la la lai la… 



☞  ☞  ☝︎  ☜  ☜


Tú y Yo 


Cendal flotante de leve bruma,

rizada cinta de blanca espuma,

rumor sonoro de arpa de oro, 

beso del aura onda de luz: 

Eso eres tú! 


Tú, sombra aerea que cuantas veces 

voy a tocarte te desvaneces, 

como la llama, como el sonido, 

como la niebla, como el gemido 

del lago azul. 


En mar sin playas onda sonante, 

en el vacío cometa errante, 

largo lamento del ronco viento, 

ansia perpetua de algo mejor: 

Eso soy yo! 


Yo, que a tus ojos en mi agonía, 

los ojos vuelvo de noche y día,

yo, que incansable corro y demente 

tras una sombra, tras la hija ardiente 

de una visión!








¡Venid, pastores, a Belén!


¡Venid, pastores, venid! 

¡Oh, ve-nid a Belén! 

¡Oh, venid al portal! 

Yo no me voy de Belén 

sin el Niño Jesús 

un momento adorar. 


Y la estrella de Belén 

nos guiará con su luz 

hasta el humilde portal 

donde nació Jesus. 


¡Venid, pastores, venid! 

¡Oh, ve-nid a Belén! 

¡Oh, venid al portal! 

Yo no me voy de Belén 

sin el Niño Jesús 

un momento adorar. 


Pastores a Belén, 

vamos con alegría 

que ha nacido ya 

el Hi-jo de María.


Allí, allí, nos espera Jesús. 

¡Llevemos pues turrones y miel 

para ofrecer al Niño Manuel! 


Vamos, vamos, vamos a ver 

vamos a ver al Recién Nacido. 

Vamos a ver al Niño Manuel.


¡Venid, pastores, venid!… 








Wer hat dies Liedlein erdacht?


Dort oben am Berg

in dem Hohen Haus! in dem Haus!

Da gukket ein fein's,

lieb's Mädel heraus.

Es ist nicht dort daheime!

Es ist nicht dort daheime!

Es ist des Wirts sein Töchterlein!

Es wohnet aus grüner Heide!


Mein Herzle ist wund!

Komm, Schätzle, mach's g'sund!

Dein' schwarzbraunen Äuglein,

die hab'n mich verwund't!

Dein rosiger Mund

macht Herzen gesund.

Macht Jugend verständig,

macht Tote lebendig,

macht Kranke gesund,  

macht Kranke gesund, ja, gesund.


Wer hat denn das schön

schöne Liedlein erdacht?

Es haben's drei Gäns'

ü-bers Wasser gebracht.

Zwei graue und eine weisse!

Zwei graue und eine weisse!

Und wer das Liedlein

nicht singen kann,

dem wollen sie es pfeifen! Ja. 







❀  ❀  ❀  ❀  ❀  ❀

A la ru


A la ru, a la mé.

Oh sleep dear Holy Baby

on the arms of love,

as meanwhile the pangs of my sorrow

are soothed and put t o rest.

A la ru, a la me.

















❈   ❈   ❈   ❈   ❈

¡Alegría! ("Joy!")


To Bethlehem are walking

Mary and her beloved husband.

In their company they bring

Our God most holy.

Joy, joy and delight,

for the Virgin is on her way

With her husband to Bethlehem.


The small birds of the forest

seeing the couple on their way

would sing them melodies

With their harmonious trills.

Joy, joy and delight,

for the Virgin is on her way

With her husband to Bethlehem.


Upon arriving in Bethlehem

They sought shelter everywhere

No one would take them in

Since so poor did they appear.

Joy, joy and delight,

for the virgin has arrived

With her husband at Bethlehem.


On this night, a Boy is born

Between frost and ice.

If I could, Oh my young One

I would clothe you in velvet.

Joy, joy and delight,

On this night a Boy is born

At the manger in Bethlehem.




❆  ❆  ❆  ❆  ❆


Alleluia! Cantate Domino canticum novum.


Alleluia!  Sing unto the Lord a new song.

Alleluia! Be joyful in the Lord all ye lands:

Alleluia! Serve the Lord with gladness.

Alleluia. Sing and rejoice, and praise

the King of Kings upon the harp

with a psalm.




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Arbolito ("Little Christmas Tree")


Tonight is Christmas Eve

Let's go to the mountain, little brother

to cut down a small tree

because the night is serene.


The Wise Men and the shepherds

amble looking for a Star

They sing to the Child Jesus,

son of the beautiful Virgin.


Little tree, little tree,

with bells shall I adorn thee

I want you to be be pretty

for to the new born Child I will offer thee.


We will traverse the path

that leads to Bethlehem

We will go because tonight

the Child King has been born.

Little tree, little tree...




❅   ❅   ❅   ❅   ❅


¡Ay, ay, ay!


Show yourself at the window,

dove of my soul,

for the early dawn comes

announcing the new day.


If ever in your heart

my affection you do not embrace

trick him like you would a child

but never tell him so.


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Campana Sobre Campana ("The Bells of Bethlehem")


Bells upon bells

The bells ring.

Look out your window

You will see a child in the cradle.

Bells, the bells of Bethlehem

The angels ring.

What news do you bring me?



Now that gathered is your flock,

Where are you going, little Shepherd?

I am bringing to the manger,

Cheese, lard and wine.

Bells, the bells of Bethlehem

The angels ring

What news do you bring me?


If the stars are still shining,

Shepherd, where are you going?    

I go to the manger in case the Child

Lets me sleep with Him.

Bells, the bells of Bethlehem

The angels ring.

What news do you bring me?






☆  ☾      ☽   ☆


En el portal de Belén ("In Bethlehem's Manger")


He was born in a manger,

With cobwebs all around Him,

By the donkey and the oxen,

The Redeemer of our souls.

Let us sing lerum, let's all sing lirum,

Let us sing lerum for Christ, the Child;

Sing for the Baby, let us all sing,

Sing for the Ba-by, the Holy Child.

Lerum, lirum, lerum, la!
















There in Bethlehem's poor stable

There's a star, the sun and moon,

It's the Virgin and Saint Joseph

And the Child who's in the manger.

Let us sing lerum, let's all sing lirum,

Let us sing le-rum for Christ, the Child;

Sing for the Baby, let us all sing,

Sing for the Baby, the Holy Child.

Lerum, lirum, lerum, la!
















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Perfidia (“Perfidy”)


No one understands how I suffer;

I sing, for I can no longer cry.

Alone, I tremble anxiously;

everyone looks at me and walks away.


My love,

if you can speak to God,

ask Him if at any time

I have stopped adoring you.


And the sea,

the mirror of my heart,

all the times it has seen me cry

for the perfidy of your love.


I have searched for you everywhere I go

and I cannot find you.

Why would I want others’ kisses

if your lips no longer want to kiss me?


And you.

Who knows where you might be?

Who knows what adventures you may have?

How far away from me you are! 




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Psallite! ("Sing!")


Sing to the only begotten

Christ the Son of God

To the Lord Redeemer, to the Boy

lying in a manger.


A fine little Child

Lies in the small crib

All the dear little angels

wait on the Child

And sing unto him.


Sing and play

for Jesus, God's child

and Mary's little son

to our dear Jesus in the tiny crib

by the ox and by the donkey.





🌠   🌠   🌠   🌠   🌠


Puer natus in Bethlehem (“A Boy is born in Bethlehem”)


A Boy is born in Bethlehem,

Over which rejoices Jerusalem,

Alleluia, Alleluia.

A Boy was born in bethlehem,

Over which rejoices Jerusalem,

Alleluia, Alleluia.


There he lies in a manger,

He who reigns without end,

Alleluia, Alleluia.

There he lies in a tiny manger;

Without end is His reign, 

Alleluia, Alleluia.

A Boy is born in Bethlehem,

Over which rejoices Jerusalem,

Alleluia, Alleluia. 




♥️    ♥️    ♥️    ♥️    ♥️      


Quiéreme Mucho ("Love Me Very Much")


Love me very much sweet love of mine

forever your lover, I will always adore you.

With your kisses and your caresses,

my sufferings I will appease.


When one loves truly

the way I love you

it is impossible, my darling,

so far apart to live. 




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✨     ✨


Tres Estrellitas ("Three Little Stars")


Tra la la lai la, tra la la lai la… 


Here come descending 

three little stars from heaven

They come announcing 

the Child who was born.

They approach singing 

towards the humble manger.

They admire and adore Him, 

and offer their protection.


Everyone had arrived 

to gaze upon the Newborn Child,

and the Holy Magi Kings 

bless the Redeemer.

Everyone had arrived 

to gaze upon the Newborn Child,

and the Holy Magi Kings 

bless the Godly Child.


Here come descending 

three little stars from heaven

They come singing 

to gaze upon Jesus the Child.


Tra la la lai la, tra lai la...

the Holy Kings come chanting.

Tra la la lai la, tra lai la...

to announce that the Child was born.


Here come descending 

three little stars from heaven.

Tra la la lai la, tra la la lai la… 



☞  ☞  ☝︎  ☜  ☜


Tu y Yo ("You and I")


Floating veil of light mist,

curlicued ribbon of white foam,

resonant murmur of golden harp,

kiss of dawn, flicker of light:

that's what you are!


You, floating shadow who every time

I attempt to touch you, you disappear

like the flame, like the sound,

like the fog, like the moan

of the blue lake.


In a sea without beaches, a sonorous wave,

in the void, an errant comet,

long lament of the hoarse wind

perpetual longing for something better:

that's what I am!


I, who to your eyes in my agony

my eyes turn night and day,

I, who tirelessly and madly runs

after a shadow, after the ardent daughter

of a vision!







¡Venid, pastores, a Belén! ("Come Shepherds, To Bethlehem")


Come, shepherds, come!

Oh, come to Bethlehem!

Oh, come to the manger!

I will not leave Bethlehem

without the Boy Jesus

one moment having adored.


And the star of Bethlehem

will guide us with its light

toward the humble manger

where Jesus was born.


Come, shepherds, come!

Oh, come to Bethlehem!

Oh, come to the manger!

I will not leave Bethlehem

without the Boy Jesus

one moment having adored.


Shepherds, to Bethlehem

let’s gladly go

for now has been born

Mary’s Son.


There, over there, Jesus awaits us.

So let’s bring nougats and honey

to offer the Child Emanuel!


Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go to see

let’s go to see the Newborn Child

Let’s go to see the Child Emanuel.


Come, shepherds, come...








“Who Thought Up This Little Song?”


Up there on the mountain

in the house high up! In the house!

A fine dear maiden

looks outside.

This is not her home!

This is not her home!

She is the inkeeper's daughter!

She lives on the green heath!


My heart is hurt!

Come, darling, make it well!

Your dark brown eyes

have wounded me!

Your rosy mouth

makes hearts whole,

makes youth understanding,

makes the dead come alive,

makes the sick well,

Makes the sick well, yes, well.


Who thought up this pretty,

oh, so pretty little song?

Three geese

brought it over the water.

Two grey ones and a white one!

Two grey ones and a white one!

And whoever this little song

cannot sing,

they will whistle it for him! Yes.






























































































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